I am really exciting for garage sale season. I seriously am up to my ears in clothes for this summer (thanks to previous garage sales, clearance racks, a friend who passes down her son's clothes, etc.) But I still love to go, and especially since I'm not in a panic to get stuff for now, I can go, shop, find great prices and really be kind of picky about what I get.
So right now, I've been shopping for 2T, 3T and maybe some 4T if I find them. My little guy is 21 months old, so this summer he'll be on the verge of 24 month clothes and 2T clothes. And the nice thing is that with shorts, you don't have to worry so much about the length.
It feels early to be out at garage sales, but I did find a nice one this week. Before Cooper was born, I found a FABULOUS garage sale in Union, where the mom was just trying to get rid of her stuff. Stride Rite shoes for $0.50, I think it was. Clothes for $0.50. Socks, towels, etc for like $0.05! I walked away with 6 bags I think. And I still have shoes from her that I'm using! So I saw the ad, and it was the same street, about the same location, so I was HOPING it would be the same lady. I didn't see her, and it wasn't the same house (although it seemed to be about 4-5 moms putting the sale on), but there were great prices. Just not much of the sizes I was looking for. I found a couple 4T things at good prices, so I bought them up.
My husband just a day or two earlier said "If you see some tennis shoes on sale for a good price, I need some." He was referring to the store, but I found some at the garage sale. :) $0.50!
My last find was a splurge at CVS. Some things are going on clearance (it seems like of like extra Christmas type presents maybe) and I noticed one of the managers telling someone about some of the toys that were marked down. So I looked around. Nothing was really marked more than 25% or 50% off, but I thought I'd price check some things. Low and behold, I found a cute light up fish aquarium (not marked on clearance at all, but up on the top shelf where the rest of the clearance things were) so I price checked it. I bought Cooper one of these last year for $1 at a garage sale, but sadly it didn't light up, like the one at the Children's Hospital does, that was always make a special trip to go see. He loves it.
Anyways, the regular price was $9.99. Not bad. But it did ring up 75% off! $2.49! It was something special that I had been wanting to get, so I used some Extra Bucks to splurge and get it. He loves it. It lights up and has some Nemo fish on it. Cute cute cute. So worth it. :)
So those are my hot buys for the week. :) I'm excited for the coming week and getting some Huggies at CVS with my $5 coupons and Extra Bucks! And the Easter freebies too.
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